Why is it Necessary to Invest Gold?

Updated: 12/29/2004 00:34
Hyip Monitor
Let's start with the main thing. What encloses the notion "gold investment". "Gold investments" means buying a certain amount of gold asset, measured with the weight of this precious metal, kept in a certain bank, in a certain country. Sure, the owner of the gold can, actually, take this gold home any time he/she wants, but nowadays it's not safe and rationally. Besides...you can earn money on gold! But, we'll talk about it later.

Any chemist will tell you that gold is the most non-reactive of all metals. It is benign in all natural and industrial environments. Gold never reacts with oxygen (one of the most active elements), which means it will not rust or tarnish. The gold death-mask in the tomb of Tutankhamun looked as brilliant when it was unearthed in 1922 as when it was entombed in 1352 BC. Though, it price, is not only made conditionals upon chemical properties and key role in history.

The thing is that the gold reserves on the planet are not as large as coal ones. However, gold is one of the metals, most suitable for making various furnishings, for long-term storage. That's why, having gold in possession, you get one of the most stable currencies in the world. If dollar can recede some time, if pound sterling can rise in price, gold in possession will always remain very costly, cause GOLD ITSELF makes the price for it. Any currency has a face value - gold doesn't. Gold has its weight, and the weight is always valued.

That's why even the communist leaders were keeping their money in gold, that's why every leader tried to save up gold, that's why first money were made of gold. And that's why the gold value hasn't decreased. How many years, how many various currencies collapsed and vanished from the face of the earth, gold, purchased for money that don't exist now, can still be sold!

However that may be astonishing, and how long we would speak of gold advantages, the most important for us - is gold investment. That is purchasing the gold itself. What for? How to earn? Many programs, purchasing gold for your money, pay out REAL enormous percents…

The point is that there won't be stability in the world, hence on the different markets either. Oil will never cost a definite amount of dollars, euros or any other currency, the ratio between the weight of platinum, silver and USD will never be the same, hence… the gold rice will always change! Today, war is waged on one of the territories of the world, tomorrow, some cataclysm may happen. Continual warps build up destabilization, reflecting on dollar landslide e.g. …hence, the price on the gold, bought for 340$ will be much higher! It will be 400$…is it clear? Every investor should understand that! Now, dollar landslide, hence gold boost is becoming obvious. Gold has never been so valuable within 15 years! Can you imagine, how much money you can earn, keeping your funds not in USD, but in gold? There you are.

Besides, what is important is that gold buying and selling itself influences its price! In such a way, large speculative companies can influence the prices on the markets greatly, buying up and selling high volumes of currency reserves! If you are a principal gambler, you should know for sure not just the common tendencies (which, by the way, we can prompt you of), but also to control other principal gamblers, influencing the situation.

It is also important to realize that you can both win high profits and suffer great losses on the gold market. Anything can happen. Life is full of surprises. Life is life! That's why even if your program collapses, don't despond. Listen to us and move ahead. Don't forget to be prudent. Cause the main reason for you, giving money to investors is that gambling with small amounts is not possible. For instance, you may buy half a kilo of gold, though the profit from changing the ounce price can hardly be significant for you. That is why the admin of the program collects the maximum amount and pays out the constant interest, received as a profit.

The prudence, we mentioned about above, should be directed maximum to a person, going to handle your funds. If this person is not a kind of a cheater, it should be a well-experienced person and you should be curious about his/her name. Nowadays, lots of skillful traders, who projected their own programs, can be found. Frequently, they try to advertise their names. By the way, many investors prefer to give their funds to handle to a more experienced trader, because it's often very hard to look into the gold market! In any case, it's better to take risk, whether it's a scam or not than simply squander you money in a clumsy game…

About the author

Lella Prior has been at HYIPNews for five years. She is an articulate, confident person who relishes challenges and working under pressure. Lella Prior has been taking much care about writing. The greatest strengths are the research, communication and writing skills Lella has. Thanks to the work at HYIPNews Lella Prior has an excellent opportunity to write good quality content.
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