Alert! Phishing Mails!

Updated: 10/16/2014 07:56
Hyip Monitor
Learn how to identify phishing mails, what to do when you are caught and how to prevent fraudsters from sending out fake e-mails! Read more about the phishing e-mails problem and ways to fight it. In this article below, i would like to draw your attention, dear readers, to the problem which is getting far way more serious month by month: Phishing Mails!

In this article below, i would like to draw your attention, dear readers, to the problem which is getting far way more serious month by month: Phishing Mails! Obviously every person involved in the search of money-making opportunities has faced such a mail at least once. O a regular basis the e-mails offering suspicious plans from payment processors, or the ones saying your account is blocked etc. are delivered to the mailboxes of hyip customers. Phishing mails should be treated in a proper way and naturally there are certain rules, which one needs to follow seriously in order to not let your money be stolen and to keep your personal information safe and secured. Here are the basic rules below:

Ways to Identify Phishing Mails

- In case you receive e-mail from any payment processor offering any sort of investment plan, just skip it and ignore! By no means no payment processor will offer the investment opportunity. It is involved in other type of business after all.
- Besides, the mails starting from the words like: "Dear Customer", "Dear Client", "Dear Sir or Madam" are obviously phishing. The payment processor will not act in such an unprofessional manner. Always check if your name is mentioned at the start, if not, then it's a fake.
- In case you receive an e-mail from a payment processor saying your account is blocked, don't get into a trap and never follow the instructions in the e-mail before you check your account first. In most of the cases, if there's a link to follow to somehow restore your account, it's a fake and the e-mail is considered to be phishing!
- Only the fraudsters will try to learn of your personal details by means of sending e-mails. No payment processor will ever make such a request by e-mail.
- The URLs are important. You should always check before you follow this or that URL. very often the Urls are faked. When you click it check for the green bar and mind the spelling of the URL.
- Only because you see the sender e-mail comes from the payment processor means nothing it all. It can be fakes with no problem at all. Don't trust such e-mails.

I Got Into Trouble... What Should I Do?!

In case for some reasons you got into trouble before you read this article and haven't followed the rules to identify the fraudsters, if for some reasons you clicked some links in the phishing e-mails and now your account is compromised, your personal information is not secured and the money might be lost you should act immediately. Maybe it's not too late yet! follow the steps given below as soon as possible.

- The login information and PIN codes if available need to be changed immediately
- Send a report of the phishing attempt to the service
- Try to warn as many other people as possible about the phishing attempt

How To Fight Those Fraudsters?

Even though things look too much serious, the fraudsters seem invincible and nearly impossible to be identified, there are some things you can do to somehow prevent them from sending phishin e-mails further on:

- Report the phishing activity to the service. Also provide them with the numbers of account and other information.
- The official authorities need to be informed of the phishing attempt in case of compliant services.
- In case a fraudster uses fake domains, make a whois research to discover the place of the domain registration. The results can be later on attached to the abuse report to the registrar. Doing that you can speed up the shutdown of the fake domain.
- If you know all the details, mostly hidden ones of the e-mail you receive, such as the real origin, you can eventually make the e-mail closed.
- And remember, you should never stay on your own with the problem. Always go public with the issue. Posting information on forum, social networks about the phishing attempt eventually minimizes the chance for the fraudster to succeed to the utmost.

Those are the basic rules! Hope they could help you somehow. Still if you have some other points to discuss or, perhaps, more advices to follow to save oneself from the phishing mails, don't hesitate to post your comment or contact me for the discussion.

About the author

Nicole Berger has over seven years experience writing and editing for online and print media. She has held various editor and associate editor positions in some of forefront independent media publications. A consistently dependable team player, I thrive in a high-pressure environment, enjoy the challenges of meeting deadlines and managing a team, and am comfortable researching, writing and editing on a wide range of topics.
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