Updated: 08/27/2010 17:49
Hyip Monitor

Hello, our dear readers!

Another week has passed and of course we are here for you to tell about all important events that took place in the world of high-yield investing.

This week we concentrated on educating our readers and giving different useful information and advices. We want you to know as much as possible about online investing so that you will make less mistakes. We have written about spam dangers in social networks giving different examples of such scams: Social Networks Spam Dangers

You should also never underestimate those fraudsters who use Ponzi techniques to build financial pyramids and to steal money from investors, so read more about it here: Ponzi Technique and Pyramid Frauds

We think that HYIP communities are very important for investors and being a part of them can really help to make the right decisions and to share different thoughts: Importance of HYIP Investment Communities

We have also given online investors some advices which are important to know: Important Things to Know for HYIP Online Investor

Orbis Trends - Smarter Profits
0.5% - 3.47% daily with trading

We have written an article about MLM for those who want to know more about this kind of moneymaking: About MLM

WorldPrivateFunfs (worldprivatefunds.com) has extended its domain registration and is paying promised bonuses. So everything seems to be going great: WorldPrivateFund Extended Domain Registration

We wrote about such HYIP as MajorProfit on Monday: PR Campaign of Major Profit
In this news we told you that we had some questions to ask the admin of this program. So, we contacted him but we still haven't received a follow-up mail. And this silence turned up to be a sign that the program has been already closed. So be careful and do not invest.

Online MDT (onlinemdt.com) has canceled one of its plans and we share our thoughts on reasons of this action in this article: Online MDT Cancels Its Shortest Plan

OilStructure (oilstructure.com) has introduced some more innovations about which we informed here: Oilstructure Continues Language Expansion

Click here to find out more about Flamanta (flamanta.com) project in our review: Short Review of Flamanta

WBwso (wbwso.com) has been closed for new members this week. Read this to find out why: WBwso Closed for New Members

InvestPlatforms (investplatforms.com) is available in 25 languages now: Innovations From InvestPlatforms

PerfectMoney (perfectmoney.us) has introduced a new VIP Plan. Read here to find out more: PerfectMoney VIP Plan

Bull Invest is scam: Bull Invest From Selective Payouts to SCAM
You can see a list of all scam programs on our front page (on the left).

This week we've decided to tell you about different HYIP monitors which don't work in real time therefore their information is not reliable and you should be careful while choosing HYIP monitor. The first news is about PrivateAssets: Private Assets is CLOSED no Matter What it was closed at the time of writing news but some monitors (even the reputable ones) were showing a fake paying status. And the second news is about FinalEarn which was also paying according to one monitor: Final Earn is Closed But Not Entirely

And now we want to tell you about some improvements of HYIPNews.com.

This week, our website has gotten two major improvements regarding navigation line. Navigation line can be seen above our news and above the catalog with programs. Actually, it has been there all the time but it hasn't displayed almost anything until now. We decided to fix it and made a navigation line for our HYIP-LIST and news section.

Now you can see the serial number and the name of the program in the navigation line of HYIP-LIST. If you click on the serial number in the navigation line, you will find this place in the general catalog. Actually, the program numbers in the general catalog can be considered completely separate innovation.

When you look at news on a news page the navigation line shows the type of news you are reading. If you click on this type, you'll see all news of this type. If you select a keyword, then you will see news relevant to this type and this keyword. You can click on the drop-down list of news types, select a different type and see all the news with this keyword and this type of news. Accordingly, in the calendar you will see those dates when news that match your filter was posted.

And this is just the beginning...

Keep your eyes open and good luck.
See you next week.
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We do everything for your success.
HYIPNews.com Team

About the author

Nicole Berger has over seven years experience writing and editing for online and print media. She has held various editor and associate editor positions in some of forefront independent media publications. A consistently dependable team player, I thrive in a high-pressure environment, enjoy the challenges of meeting deadlines and managing a team, and am comfortable researching, writing and editing on a wide range of topics.
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