Updated: 02/03/2011 16:20
Hyip Monitor
Risk Ranking . HYIPNews.com has always striven to standardize, analyze, count and sort everything through. We have never been just a layer between...

Risk Ranking . HYIPNews.com has always striven to standardize, analyze, count and sort everything through. We have never been just a layer between HYIP admins and investors. We have always tried to create an informative environment, which would allow anyone to become a professional investor. Therefore when we were about to write a Large Review in 2010, we came to the conclusion that because it had to be an analytical publication, there had to be a process similar to the principle of technical analysis.

That is, it had to become the standard algorithm for the evaluation of different components. We decided that each parameter had to be evaluated depending on its effect on the final success of the program and basing on its value in operation of a HYIP. According to our theory, 100 points gave 100% probability of success of a program. Meaning if the program gained 60 points, it had 60% chance to return your deposit and start paying profit. Also, 60 points meant that the riskiness of a program was 40%.

Of course, such an assessment is subjective and it was decided to conduct such evaluation in a test mode. Meaning first we evaluate, then make a deposit and check if such an assessment is correct or not. At this point, both Large Reviews written according to this system have confirmed the validity of our calculations and the sufficiency of such "analytics". Thus we have formed an approach called Risk Ranking.

After the publication of the first review we unexpectedly found out that a project called HYIP INVESTIGATION BLOG has a tool that the admin of it called Risk Ranking. The mechanism of it is similar to our way of evaluation but was formed before. Thus, in our opinion the inventor of the term Risk Ranking is Gautam Thapar. This term means the way of evaluating riskiness of a program and making decisions based on the results of this evaluation. Meaning it is a strategy of investing based on the estimation of risk factor in one or the other investment project.

Gautam Thapar explains himself the way he evaluates risks:

I have been working on it from long time and finally I present to you HYIP RISK RANKINGS. It is an absolutely free service and you can use it as reference in order to invest in the best program available. These rankings show the level of risks attached to the program. There are 3 levels - Low Risk, Medium Risk and High Risk. The programs that are in Low Risk category are the ones you should think of investing in. Medium risk is a 50-50 situation where you can get profit or you may suffer loss. High Risk programs are the one you should avoid. The current levels are Low Risk - 100% to 75%, Medium Risk - Below 75% to 40% and Low Risk - below 40%. These rankings are variable and so you should check them regularly or preferably on daily basis as these rankings will change daily and there might be new programs added to the list.

The main thing to check is the amount of percentage a program drops daily. For example - Suppose there are 2 programs A and B and today the chance of success for A and B is 75% each. Now if tomorrow the chance of success for A becomes 74% and for B it becomes 72% then the preference should be given to program A as the chance of success rate is falling slowly. These rankings are especially very useful when you are about to re-invest in a program, it will help you in deciding whether to re-invest or not.".

The team at HYIPNews.com

About the author

Eric Marriam is a young writer. Even though he is not experienced he is able to make really high quality work. Eric is able to identify a problem people have and break it down, able to appeal to emotion through emotive writing, can change style of writing to cater to different audience. Eric Marriam is able to work creatively and effectively with staff and managers and despite his young age, he proved to be a clear and effective writer and speaker, committed to maintaining quality and efficiency, seeking for professional growth and development.
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